The Daily Life of The Immortal King: Anime Review

the daily life of the immortal king


“The Daily Life of the Immortal King” (Chinese title: “Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo”) invites viewers into a whimsical world where the extraordinary and the mundane collide. Meet Wang Ling, an unassuming high school student who harbors a remarkable secret: he possesses immense supernatural powers. However, rather than embarking on grand adventures or saving the world, Wang Ling chooses to lead a laid-back life. His days revolve around attending classes, hanging out with friends, and dealing with magical challenges that seem to find him wherever he goes.

As we delve deeper into this anime, we’ll explore Wang Ling’s unique journey, the dynamics of his friendships, and the delightful blend of comedy, slice-of-life moments, and unexpected twists. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the enchanting daily life of an immortal king! 

Plot Summary

wang ling and her date

Wang Ling, an unassuming high school student, harbors a remarkable secret: he possesses immense supernatural powers. However, rather than embarking on grand adventures or saving the world, Wang Ling chooses to lead a laid-back life. His days revolve around attending classes, hanging out with friends, and dealing with magical challenges that seem to find him wherever he goes.

As Wang Ling navigates the complexities of high school, he encounters a variety of mystical beings, artifacts, and spellcasters. From mischievous spirits to ancient curses, his daily routine is anything but ordinary. Yet, he maintains an air of nonchalance, treating these magical encounters as minor inconveniences rather than life-altering events.

The anime beautifully balances the mundane and the supernatural. Wang Ling’s carefree attitude and deadpan humor add a delightful touch to the narrative. Whether he’s solving a magical puzzle or accidentally unleashing chaos, his journey through high school becomes an enchanting blend of comedy, slice-of-life moments, and unexpected twists.

“The Daily Life of the Immortal King” invites viewers to appreciate the magic hidden within everyday existence. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in this whimsical world where homework assignments and magical duels coexist seamlessly.

Character Analysis

Wang Ling

wang ling

Wang Ling, our laid-back protagonist, defies the typical hero mold. Despite possessing immense powers, he prefers a carefree existence. His nonchalant attitude toward magic and the supernatural sets him apart. As a high school student, he navigates the challenges of both academia and mystical encounters. Wang Ling’s growth throughout the series—both in terms of abilities and personal development—is a central theme. His deadpan humor and unexpected solutions to magical problems make him endearing.

Supporting Characters

  1. Lin Yi: Wang Ling’s loyal friend and confidant. Lin Yi provides emotional support and often gets caught up in the magical chaos alongside Wang Ling.
  2. Xiao Fei: A mischievous spirit who enjoys pranks. Xiao Fei’s interactions with Wang Ling add humor to the story.
  3. Zhou Mingrui: A rival with his own set of powers. His competitive spirit leads to entertaining clashes with Wang Ling.
  4. Ling Hui: A mysterious girl who harbors secrets related to Wang Ling’s past. Her presence adds intrigue and depth.

The dynamics between these characters—friendship, rivalry, and unexpected alliances—shape the anime’s narrative. Their interactions contribute to the delightful blend of comedy, slice-of-life moments, and magical twists.

Animation and Art Style

female protagonist

“The Daily Life of the Immortal King” boasts impressive animation quality that captures both magical battles and everyday moments. Here are some key points:

  1. Fluid Animation: The action sequences, especially during magical battles, are fluid and dynamic. Spells, energy blasts, and mystical creatures come to life on screen.
  2. Character Designs: The character designs are appealing and distinct. Wang Ling’s laid-back appearance contrasts with the more serious-looking Zhou Mingrui and other magical beings. Facial expressions convey emotions effectively.
  3. Backgrounds: The anime pays attention to details in its backgrounds. Whether it’s a bustling classroom or an otherworldly realm, the settings feel immersive.
  4. Color Palette: The color palette is vibrant, especially during magical confrontations. Bright hues and contrasting shades enhance the visual impact.
  5. Comedic Visuals: The anime cleverly uses exaggerated expressions and chibi-style moments for comedic effect. Wang Ling’s deadpan reactions add to the humor.

Overall, “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” balances aesthetics with storytelling, creating an engaging visual experience. Whether you’re drawn to magical battles or slice-of-life scenes, the animation keeps you hooked.

Comedy and Humor

 Let’s explore the delightful comedy and humor in “The Daily Life of the Immortal King”

1. Deadpan Wang Ling: Our protagonist, Wang Ling, is the master of deadpan humor. Whether he’s facing a powerful adversary or dealing with a mischievous spirit, his calm and matter-of-fact reactions are priceless. Picture him casually sipping tea while chaos erupts around him—it’s comedy gold!

2. Magical Mishaps: Wang Ling’s magical abilities sometimes backfire spectacularly. From accidentally turning his homework into a fire-breathing dragon to summoning rain clouds indoors, his lack of control over his powers leads to hilarious situations. The juxtaposition of the extraordinary and the mundane creates memorable laughs.

3. Xiao Fei’s Pranks: Xiao Fei, the mischievous spirit, loves playing pranks on Wang Ling. Whether it’s swapping his textbooks with romance novels or turning his shoelaces into snakes, Xiao Fei’s antics keep the audience giggling. Wang Ling’s deadpan acceptance of these supernatural shenanigans adds to the charm.

4. Classroom Chaos: Imagine a math class where equations come to life, or a history lesson with time-traveling textbooks. “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” turns ordinary school subjects into whimsical adventures. Wang Ling’s classmates react with bewilderment, but he remains unfazed.

5. Running Gags: Look out for recurring gags throughout the series. Whether it’s Wang Ling’s obsession with snacks or Zhou Mingrui’s dramatic entrances, these running jokes create a sense of familiarity and anticipation.

In this anime, laughter intertwines with magic, making it a delightful watch. So grab your popcorn, embrace the absurdity, and enjoy the whimsical world of “The Daily Life of the Immortal King”!

Magic System and Worldbuilding

magic and demon

Magic System

In this anime, magic is both intricate and whimsical. Here are the key aspects of the magic system:

  1. Spiritual Energy: Magical abilities stem from spiritual energy, which individuals can harness and manipulate. Wang Ling’s immense power lies within this energy.
  2. Artifacts and Spells: Characters use enchanted artifacts and spells to channel their abilities. From ancient scrolls to mystical rings, these items play a crucial role in magical combat.
  3. Affinities: Each character has an affinity for specific elements (fire, water, wind, etc.). Wang Ling’s affinity remains a mystery, adding intrigue to the plot.


  1. Parallel Realms: The anime introduces parallel realms—places where magic thrives. These realms intersect with the mundane world, leading to unexpected encounters.
  2. Magical Creatures: Spirits, mythical beasts, and supernatural beings coexist with humans. Xiao Fei, the mischievous spirit, is a prime example.
  3. Hidden Secrets: Wang Ling’s past and the origins of his powers remain shrouded in mystery. As he unravels these secrets, the world expands.

Overall, “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” weaves magic seamlessly into everyday life, creating a captivating universe where the extraordinary becomes ordinary.

Comparison to Other Anime

saiki k
  1. Similarities with “Saiki K.”:
    • Both anime series blend supernatural elements with everyday life. While “Saiki K.” features a psychic protagonist, Wang Ling’s magical abilities in “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” add a similar twist.
    • Both protagonists exhibit deadpan humor and navigate their extraordinary powers with nonchalance. Whether it’s telekinesis or magical spells, their reactions keep viewers entertained.
  2. Unique Flavor:
    • “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” maintains its own distinct flavor. It seamlessly combines comedy, slice-of-life moments, and supernatural encounters.
    • Unlike some anime that focus solely on epic battles or high-stakes drama, this series finds magic in the mundane—a refreshing take.
  3. Balance of Genres:
    • While “Saiki K.” leans heavily on comedy, “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” strikes a balance. It offers magical battles, character development, and witty humor.
    • Fans who appreciate both laughter and supernatural intrigue will find this anime appealing.

In summary, if you enjoyed the quirky humor of “Saiki K.” but crave a touch of magic, give “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” a try. It’s a delightful blend that keeps viewers guessing and chuckling!

Overall Impressions

As an anime enthusiast, I found “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” to be a delightful blend of genres. Here’s what stood out:

  1. Genre Fusion: The seamless integration of comedy, slice-of-life moments, and supernatural elements creates a unique viewing experience. Wang Ling’s nonchalant approach to magic adds charm.
  2. Character Dynamics: Wang Ling’s deadpan humor, along with his interactions with friends, rivals, and mystical beings, keeps the story engaging. Each character contributes to the anime’s appeal.
  3. Visual Treat: The animation quality, character designs, and vibrant color palette enhance both action sequences and everyday scenes. It’s visually pleasing and immersive.
  4. Magic in Mundane: Unlike typical fantasy anime, “The Daily Life of the Immortal King” finds magic in everyday situations—whether it’s attending class or dealing with mischievous spirits.
  5. Personal Enjoyment: Personally, I enjoyed this series. Its pacing, character depth, and witty humor struck a chord. If you’re looking for something light-hearted yet intriguing, give it a watch!


In “The Daily Life of the Immortal King,” magic intertwines with the mundane, creating a whimsical blend of comedy, slice-of-life moments, and unexpected twists. Wang Ling’s deadpan humor, vibrant animation, and unique genre fusion make this anime a delightful watch. Whether you’re a seasoned anime enthusiast or a newcomer, give it a chance—it might just immortalize itself in your heart!

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